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WTF is Body Talk Jewelry?

A long answer to a short question:

From the age of 12 I severely suffered whenever I menstruated, to the point where I was bedridden 2 weeks/month. I saw doctor after doctor over 14 years, looking for help. I had 2 major surgeries that did not relieve my pain - it got worse over time. I turned online to a chronically ill community that told me about a condition I may have: endometriosis. They connected me to a doctor qualified to give me a diagnosis/surgical treatment for it - the only specialist in the state. By the time I got my surgery, the damage from it was so severe I had to have a complete hysterectomy that put me into menopause at age 33. I had severe memory loss, chronic migraine disorder, joint/muscle pain, fatigue, hot flushes, heart palpitations, crying spells, severe depression from the hormonal change of surgical menopause. I went online again & learned from the disabled community about estrogen HRT. Once again it took me years to find a specialist bought me relief. For so long I kept my story of my illnesses quiet. It was when I began sharing my story that I found a community of others who had also been suffering in silence, eager for relief but with nowhere to turn for help. A community that helps each other by telling their stories & how they survived it all. I created Body Talk Jewelry to do the same: to start a conversation around the very thing we are told to keep quiet about - our bodies & how we heal them. Each Body Talk Jewelry design has a corresponding story about me or someone I know and how they’ve lived in a chronically ill body & is available to read online. Let us no longer stay silent about what it means to have & heal our bodies. May this jewelry serve as a reminder of a few things my body has taught me: Be grateful for your beautiful body, even when it hurts. You, even at your most vulnerable, are deserving of love. Speak your story, even when your voice shakes & breaks. Love yourself, scars & all. - Jessie Moench 

My Body Talk Jewelry line now includes other people's stories of chronic illness. Keep scrolling to find their stories (alongside my own) paired with unique jewelry designs.

I hope that Body Talk Jewelry will serve as a reminder of the things my disabled body & chronically ill community have taught me:

Be grateful for your beautiful body, even when it hurts.

You, even at your most vulnerable, are deserving of love.

Speak your story, even when your voice shakes & breaks.

Love yourself, scars & all.

    - Jessie Moench

Body Talk Designs & Stories

Uterus/Ovaries Design

I first drew this design in my sketchbook years ago with thoughts and feelings about being bedridden in pain every month with both ovulation and menstruation. 

I created the image of a uterus and ovaries to wear as a symbol of what I had and could survive. To see my body not as an obstacle, but as a source of strength. 

I created this design before my hysterectomy, which prompted me to make the "rest in peace" uterus and ovaries design to commemorate the organs I lost and my transition into menopause from surgery. 


Rest In Peace Uterus/Ovaries Design

I first drew this design the night I applied to become a patient of the only endometriosis specialist in Colorado. He personally called me the next morning and said it was more than likely that endometriosis had been causing the majority of my pelvic pain for all the 14+ years I had been suffering. We met and discussed that I had about a 30% chance that I would have to loose both my uterus and ovaries. Once inside my surgeon saw extensive damage from endometriosis. He had to remove my ovaries, uterus, and cervix due to the damage. I woke up 33 and menopausal. I'm now disabled due to the severe hormone drop of surgical menopause that led to many physical and mental ailments I am in treatment for to this day.


Curvy Bodies

This is one of the very first designs I created for Body Talk Jewelry. I wanted to make designs that showcased a body at different sizes to reflect the way my weight has fluctuated greatly over the years. Some customers say they see both references to bodies and penises in this design! I love that idea - the representation of both masculine and feminine parts in one body. The idea of representing the gender spectrum means a lot to me and many of my customers!



I had a hysterectomy at 33 where my ovaries, uterus, and cervix had to be removed due to damage from a disease called endometriosis.

After my surgery I experienced severe vaginal pain, back pain, vaginal numbness, loss of urinary and bowel continence. I thought my sex life and social life were behind me.

Then I began Pelvic Floor Therapy and got so much of my life back. My physical therapist used internal vaginal massage to recover my internal nerves and muscle control. I met with her every week for over 2 years, and eventually gained back full control over my bladder/bowels and got full feeling back in my vagina. My back pain went away and I was able to enjoy sex again.


My quality of life greatly increased, and so did my relationships with myself and my loved ones. 

I created this vagina/vulva design to honor my struggle and educate others about the healing possibilities with Pelvic Floor Therapy.

Folks who suffer from pain with sex, pain with menstrual cups or tampons, vaginal spasms, trauma or pain with penetration - please look into Pelvic Floor Therapy. If you find the right therapist for you, it may be the key to healing that you're looking for.


Adrenal Gland

I met my friend H and right away we had that kind of connection that only comes with meeting other chronically ill folks -spoonies, as many of us call ourselves.

H told me all about what she endures to live with Addison's Disease - a condition that results in adrenal insufficiency that is often difficult to manage, and flare ups can be life threatening. She told me about the online community she created of people living with Addison's. It's a rare disorder, and creating a community of folks living with it has been a healing experienced for those involved. In fact, other members have reached out to place custom orders and wear this very design!

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